We started this week out by attending our Village Fayre. This is held every year on the village green. They had all kinds of dog competitions and Belle walked our friend's dog, Sophie in a couple of them. She took 4th place in showing the dog. She was so excited and wore her ribbon on her vest the rest of the day. Sophie is a sweetheart and I thought she did a great job for Belle. We had so many different breeds of dogs. The English really take joy in their dogs and it shows here. They also have competitions for the best vegetables, fruit, bakery items, and judge on photography and house plants. Caleb was nice enough to lend his hand to show the size of the onions. In the background you can catch glimpses of some green beans.
Dan joined in on the Wellie Boot Toss competition. We had a windy day that day and no one could match the wellie thrown last year, but Dan came the closest! A few of the men complained of back pains and such but continued on trying to best each other. Below, Maureen is pictured with her pooch in the Blue Jean outfit, and she competed in the "Best Six Legs" contest. Belle is taking a turn on the swings.
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