Bella went to her first pony competition day. We had a great time. I made sticky toffee popcorn for the bake table and we were off. Sabine, the owner, had many competitions set up so her "students" could show off what they had learned and compete against each other in fun. They had dressage, jumping competitions, gymnastics on horse, and then racing games that all ages were allowed to compete in. Belle was the youngest there that day ready to ride in a race competition. The older girls treated her like a little sister and she had a great time. I started with this picture, as she is holding her first place rosette, which her whole team of 6 received. Belle rode Friday, and he behaved well for her.

Belle on Friday getting ready to take her place for the run. The pony directly in front of us, is Freckles. He is a new pony and a great ride. Belle rides him also for lessons.

This young ladies name is Beth and she is riding on a horse from the stables. This horse was very skittish approaching the jumps and Beth was thrown later from him. He took a jump and then continued to buck and she flew off of him. She had the wind knocked out of her and a bad bruise on her hip. I am sure she was sore the next day. She later got back on a different horse and continued competing. Our hats off to Beth!

Another young lady in competition.

Same young lady sitting on her horse waiting to begin.

Beth on her horse sizing up the next jump.

We met this young lady a year ago as a friend of Abbey Mullins. Her name is Hazel and we have not seen her for a while. Guess who takes lessons with Sabine? Hazel! Belle was so happy to see her and Hazel took care of her like a little sister.

The picture above and below is a sample of the gymnastics with horses. You know, running beside them, jumping on while they are moving, doing twists and turns. Belle did not show any interest in this, thankfully.

This young lady, Emily, won the jumping competition that day. The horse was wonderful and they worked really well together.

Another competiter on Friday. Did I mention that they were all girls? Boys do take lessons, but they weren't there that day.

Belle is on Friday getting ready to compete. She has a rain coat on as it started sprinkling. Go figure.......

Remember when I said that Friday needed prompting sometimes? This is Hazel out front and she is pulling Friday along as Belle is kicking and yelling "GO FRIDAY".

Racing competion involved racing in and out of the buckets, over a log, jumping off the horse and running back with the horse to the start line.

Belles group getting their horses together.
Bella is so cute! Congrats on the ribbon!
Side note....just figured this out myself but you can change the post date to match the day of the event. When you are writing/edit the post it is under post options.... and just put in the date you want.:)
That is great to see those photos of Belle riding. Madison is just starting her lessons on Sunday! She is so excited.
I also love seeing where you traveled. Thanks for posting and giving the rest of us ideas!
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