The Rodman girls are on the left of the picture, but the picture is too wide for the blog! Sorry girls!
Since Dawn and Ben are coming over March 18 for our Malta trip, we stayed home for our mid-term break. At least I think we stayed home! On Sunday evening, my drier quit heating and Monday I spent the day trying to get a hold of someone to give me information or come out and look at it. On Tuesday we got together with the Rodmans, Murphys and Zaks and took the kids bowling. We had a great time visiting and getting to know each others kids better. On Wednesday, we decided to jump down to London, eat lunch at the Original First Hard Rock Cafe (imagine my joy when they advertised "Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing" for my salad) ! Caleb claims that my face was priceless and I will have to trust him on that since a mirror was not available! lol After lunch we headed for the London Zoo. For those of you that haven't been, it is a must for the kids. Lots of stuff to see and do. Easily a day trip all around. On Thursday we then headed into Peterborough for a Movie. BOLT it was, and it was great! You know those Pixar people, they know how to do a great cartoon for the kids, with all the comments for the adults! We were laughing all the way through. On Thursday night Caleb had an English friend over to spend the night. James has joined our family many nights for dinner and a sleep over and we enjoy his company and dry sense of humor. Most times I have to look at him to see his face when he is making comments about something so I know whether to believe him or NOT! I think he likes pulling my American leg! On Friday I went bowling with the boys and Belle had a Pony Club Day. I dropped off a clean girl in the morning and picked up a muddy, wet girl in the afternoon. She took her first fall off her horse when the pony tripped and Belle lost her balance. After her teacher checked her out, up on the horse she went again. She absolutely loves riding and wants a dog and horse when we go home. Thankfully we have 3 acres and can actually have a horse at the house if we want. We just have to decide if Mom wants! So between washing, and then hanging each load out in the conservatory under a heater and fan, and running every day with the kids, I need a vacation! It was good to keep them busy, but I do feel like we have actually been gone for the week. Until I blog again.............

Me, Belle and Emily on the train headed for London Zoo!

Noah, Anna, Emily, Belle, Me and Caleb in front of the gorilla house. Lady on the left is......somebody that didn't move. :) Sarah Rodman is the woman behind the camera! Thanks Sarah for all the great pictures of our day together!
1 comment:
Sounds like you had a great week! I haven't thought about the London Zoo...
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