Monday, March 03, 2008

Home for Christmas 07

Home for the Holidays! Never did that quote mean so much as it did for this year! We arrived in Chicago and made it home before the big "storm" hit. Blizzard like conditions and had to stay home on a Saturday night, but other than that, we were home in the USA. We ate at lots of favorite places, enjoyed food we had not had for a while and visited with friends not seen for 9 months. Christmas Eve and Morning found us with the usual rush, opening gifts, dinner and games played with family. We did not get to see as many or spend as much time with family and friends due to the holiday season. Believe it or not, everyone already had plans with others! Yes, we went home at a busy season, but we are still glad we had that "recharge" time with our family. I believe we had 3 huge snows while home, experienced a nearby tornado (take cover) and Peoria broke a record for high temperatures that day. We were able to have a day of spring home with our winter! Crazy weather.

After 31/2 weeks, the kids were ready to go back "home" and we headed back to England to warmer, more moist temperatures.

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