Karnack Temple

Sheritan, Soma Bay Resort. One of three pools.
We arrived safely at our destination. The Sheraton Soma Bay Resort, up the coast from the nearest town, Safaga. Upon arrival and unpacking, I realized that I did not bring one swimsuit for Arabella. Those of you who know, the girl owns like 20 suits. Thankfully, the nice men at the front desk called the bus driver in Hurghada and he had enough money on him to pick a suit up for Bella. Yes, men took care of this for us and did a great job. They bought her a simple red, one piece suit with white piping. It was a "french" cut, but I didn't care! It was a suit for the week. What can I say about the resort. If you have never stayed in a five star resort, you should at least once in your life. Special treats left in the room, house keeping twice a day, and anything you needed, they produced! What a life for a week!
Egypt in February. I worried about the temperatures, but they were wonderful. About 70 F. every day, and then on Wednesday the winds started blowing. Felt like 50 F. getting out of the water! The bay water was about 72 F., which is cold to most, but I thought very doable. Dan and Caleb had to wear wetsuits, but the rest of the "pleasantly plump" did not have to "glove" ourselves in a rubber suit. Egypt itself, was very safe. They do have guards at check points, but they are their for a reason. To keep the bad or trouble makers out. The gaurds that were throughout the small towns, are not needed anymore, but it is a way for the police to collect money from the travel agents. So, the travel agents give them money, they provide unneeded protection traveling through their town, and everyone is happy. We met lots of great people and almost everyone spoke some English. At the resort, it was all men! I forgot that being a muslim country, the women are still limited on work, so the resort was run by men. Even the kids club was run by men. What was interesting, they all seemed to love their work. Whether it was working with the kids, doing water aerobicks, or making our room up for the night, they were pleasant and very caring. I will touch a little on the excursions we had.
We took a trip to Luxor. Here we were able to visit the Valley of the Kings, Karnack Temple, the tomb of the "woman" pharoah, boated on the Nile River, ate lunch, and visited the Papyrus Museum, and an Alabaster factory. Belle was thrilled to visit King Tuts tomb, where his body and sarcofagus is back in the tomb since it was originally dug out in the 1950's. We (vacationers at this time) are among the first to view them in their "home". She carried around her gold picture of him for the rest of the week. We left at 6:30 a.m., and returned at 10:30 p.m.. It was a four hour drive with a break in between, where we could pet camels, ride them, purchase souveniers, and most importantly pay the use the restroom! The desert was beautiful on the ride to Luxor. We started in the mountains and slowly drove out into more desert country. The desert was pockmarked with areas of green grass, small fields and buildings. (Like Oasis's) The closer we got to Luxor the more green we saw. Along the Nile river and the canals off it, there are many buildings, fields, and animals. It was a great way to see the "real" Egypt as they say.

We took a trip to Mahmaya Island. It is a "desserted" island that the travel companies have built a small hut area for lunch and added huts all along the beach with mats to lay on. They boat you out there from Hurghada marina, and you spend the day. It is surrounded by reefs and they had plenty for snorkeling. Belle was the only one who did not really "swim" because again, the water was too cold for her skinny body. About mid-day they boated us out to a much larger reef and it was absolutely beautiful. Egypt is known for its diving and snorkeling in the Red Sea, and they lived up to their description. We had lunch at the hut, more rice, beans, chicken, fruit, noodles and sauce, and then arrived back at the resort around 6:30 p.m..
Wednesday found Dan and Ben flying to Cairo for the day. The rest of us hung out at the beach and snorkeled and swam. Belle loved the pool as it was heated! Dan and Ben went into the pyramids, bent over like old men for over 200 feet.
We did find a pier on the east side of the resort that went out over a reef. This reef runs down the whole side of Soma Bay Resort. Maybe 2 miles at least. The pier had stairs on the shallow side of the reef and a ladder on the deep side. (about 20 feet with quick drop off). Yes, at first the deep side is scary as you look into the depths of the beautiful deep blue water and realize that you really can't see anything coming at you, until it is already too close! Then, you just have to trust God and watch the reef! We saw trigger fish, pupper fish, sea turtles, lion fish, grouper, parrot fish...... I could go on and on. We at that moment decided this was second best trip to our Hawaii trip! The kids had never been to Hawaii, so they had never snorkeled on a reef. Of course, now we know that once a year we will have a snorkel vacation, even when we get back to the states! Loads of Fun!
So, long story short, WE loved Egypt! It was a beautiful country, the desert lived up to what we see on T.V., the resort was fabulous, and the beach and snorkeling was exceptional. A great time was had by all!