I learned from this trip that I am a "Beach" person at heart and my Bella does not do well walking in the heat, nor myself, dragging her along and trying to deal with the heat! She kept asking where the "pool" was! Dan said that the city was much like New York, but not as closed in and suffocating. I believe that at that point, I decided that I never have to see New York! It was very crowed, (summer holiday for kids) and there were thousands of People out and about. The Eiffel Tower was very impressive. The pictures do not do it justice. It is so large! I will include pictures from Ben and Lukes camera as they went up in the tower to see the city. The lines were large, and we didn't want to wait with Belle and Caleb. Luke and Ben hopped off the bus, they had their tube tickets and knew where the hotel tube stop was, and we said "Adios", call if you need anything! It took them 30 minutes to climb to the first level and then 1 hour wait for the elevator to go up farther! The pictures are beautiful and I am thankful that I had two young strappin boys that just had to go up! We were able to get into Notre Dame Cathedral. Absolutely beautiful. On Sunday we hired a driver to take us to Versailles, the Palace of King Louis the XIV, XV, XVI, and home to Marie Antoinette (wife of Louis XVI). It was beautiful and you can view the pictures on the album sight.
The subway was very fast. I guess it covers a lot of city and to be efficient we felt like we were flying. I shouldn't say "felt", we really were. This was not a "brace the feet" type subway; you had to hold the bars or sit. The subway is also open from one end to the beginning and you can watch it snake along under ground! London subway's are not like this and they are not as fast.
The Louvre is the worlds largest museum and boy, do they have that right! After about 1500 hundred paintings, I was done! You cannot imagine the hallways, galleries and rooms filled with art, and Roman statues! And that is just the part we went into. We could not even get a picture to encompass the museum as a whole. I am sure that the Ben, Luke and Dan could have spent another 2 hours there, but Belle, was not doing well. We walked her little legs off the first night. The next day, the first staircase that we walked up in a subway, she exclaimed, "oh no, not again. My legs are tired!" It was definitely a "walking" vacation as the city centre is very spread out and to even get to a bus or a tube stop, you have to walk. Over all, it was very pretty and I am glad that we "saw" Paris. Will we go back? Yes, just not in the summer and when we have a sitter for Bella. It is not a vacation for little children. She could care less about the art and the Eiffel Tower, she just wanted to know where the next Disney Store was!
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