Camelot Castle Hotel. This is where we stayed for the two nights in Cornwall. It is right on the coast up on the cliffs. Beautiful views of the ocean and surrounding areas. The Album page will have more pictures of the Hotel on it. The Hotel opened in 1887 and of course, is old. Wood floors in the rooms and they added bathrooms at a later date. Caleb had trouble adjusting because the rooms were so large and "old". It was great. It was built inside and out to look like a castle and it does. Ted, John and Irina own the castle. Ted is an artist and his art is displayed everywhere in the castle. He is quite popular here in England with some paintings selling for somewhere in the 1,000,000 pound range. John is an heir to a billionaire jewlry business and Irina is his daughter. We, Dan and I, saw Ted, but did not get to meet him. Luke and Ben are a different story. We arrived on Friday night around 9:00 p.m.. By 10:00 p.m. Dan and I were ready for bed and Luke and Ben wanted to walk into to town. We said no, but they could walk around the castle (no cliffs) and see if they were serving food in the bar. The next morning we find out that they did go in the bar at 10:00 p.m. and ask if they could get something to eat, and the bartender (polish) answers
NO FOOD. So they go to the front to go outside and who is coming in, but Ted, himself. He asks the boys if they are having a good time, and they say yes, but does he no where they can get something to eat. (At this time they do not know who they are talking to) Ted, says, "why here of course". And Ben and Luke inform him, that no, "NO FOOD" is being served. Ted goes to the office and they see him heatedly discussing something with a man, and the next thing they know, Ted is showing them a table in the bar and handing them the menu and telling them to pick anything. They can get anything to eat. At some point he introduced himself. The next morning when they told Dan and I, we were like, What! I asked Ben if he left a tip, and of course the answer was NO. Oh well. So, the hotel was really nice and very accomodating to our needs.
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