Hello Everyone! Long time, no see! I can't believe it has been almost 9 months since I posted last. As most of you know, we found out last August that we were coming back to the US 6-7 months earlier than expected. We literally accepted a job, flew back to the UK on August 24, got the house packed, closed accounts and flew back to the US on September 29. I can't believe how fast it went! Our time in England was fabulous and we miss it very much. The countryside there is so beautiful and you don't have to drive far or fly far to enjoy a nice weekend. We are missing our "English" friends and our ISE friends. Life goes on and of course, ours is going on and so is yours. I am just now feeling like we are moved in. We remodeled the kitchen and the main bath. The main bath is a "mini" remodel and the big "gut out" will be next January. I was sick of having the house torn up. I still haven't had my first day to take the kids to school, come home, pick up, look around and think "I have nothing to do today". I am waiting for that day. When everything is caught up. So I have uploaded some photos to catch you up to our everyday life and hope that the posts will not be so far apart. We are looking forward to Eassa coming for Easter weekend and I hope to post pictures of that also. So, hello again to my friends out there!

Anne Konig (Vicor Peter's wife) at our going away party at the Bishop's house.

Before we left, Belle got involved in Vaulting. Sabina is a wonderful teacher and taught Belle as much as she could in our last week in England. We miss riding. I have not found anywhere to sign her up yet and we have been waiting until spring to get involved in stuff again.

Tom and Wendy at Bishop John's.

Bishop John and Arabella. They gave us a wonderful send off, with prayer and singing. We lit four candles and Bishop John read from the bible. Very memorable.

Back in the states. In school for two weeks and we had to celebrate Grandparents Day. This is Belle with her "new" classmates. She went from 17 to 75 kids.

Belle clowning around in the car.

New carpet was installed at the end of October. The carpet before this was a dark Russet Brown/orange color. Love the new stuff!

Belle's room before new carpet. She won't let me change this yet. Something to do with the transition and not wanting anymore change.

October bonfire out at the lake. This is Ben! I can't believe how much like a man he is. My kids are growing up! He is at the University of Illinois and doing well! Still planning on attending Seminary later. He is an intern for his church in Champaign right now working with the Youth Pastor as an assistant. He will also be interning at our church this summer and will be following the Pastor in his duties. He will even be giving some sermons! Can't wait to hear him speak finally.

Caleb and my Dad at the Bonfire

My Dad and I. He has just recently moved up here from Tennessee. We have not lived near our Dad since I was 15!!! What a treat this is. We are looking forward to spending more time with him!

Belle was Cleopatra for Halloween.

Caleb decided that this was his last year and wanted to go as a clown.

Winter is upon us and this is Belle and Joanna. She lives about 5 minutes from us and they have known each other since birth.

Our first big snowfall

Christmas at the house!

Ben and Belle enjoying presents!

Ben and a group of his long time friends celebrate St. Huxley's Day each year. This is a made up holiday that happens after Christmas sometime. There are only 8 of them, and this is just the desserts! They all bring food and cook a ham! It is hilarious. They even dress up. I wonder if they are practicing for adulthood?

St. Huxley's table set for dinner.

At the end of January we got a new dog. ROCCO . He is a three year old Puggle, my brothers dog. He is already potty trained and is a great dog to have around. I think he likes being the center of attention. In his old home, he had to share it with an American Bulldog.


We received this plate in January. What a surprise. It was commissioned by our church in Nassington from a potter in Woodnewton. He did a great job and since the church was a large part of our lives there, it was very fitting! Thank you to our Church family in Nassington!

Belle is forever snapping self portraits of herself! Just thought I would include one.

Last week found us in Missouri. It was our first trip since returning home. I guess we did go to Kalahari at Christmas, but this was the 7 hour trip. My grandparents are failing, but my mom looks great! We had a great time visiting with family and friends.
Well, I guess that wraps everything up. Caleb is thinking of baseball this spring and soccer in the fall. They also have bass fishing in high school as a sport and he is looking forward to that. Belle will begin riding somewhere as soon as the weather breaks. She is going to be getting some counseling concerning an anxiety thing that has developed since moving back. Fear of school, getting sick and pretty much anything that is change. She is experiencing belly aches and just doesn't want to go to school. She is an A-B student and is well liked there. It is the getting there that puts her in turmoil. Something to do with the transition from school in England to here. I really like her counselor and she is going to teach her some coping strategies to help herself.
Dan loves his job but is not a workaholic. He never has been, so I shouldn't be surprised. He seems to have just jumped back in and is not having any issues with work here versus there, but again, he does not over work himself. He is headed to Japan in a week or so. Pray for safe travels. :) I guess that is it for now! I am going to go enjoy some American Idol! Stay safe everyone and hugs and kisses!