Terra Renee Riley
1990 - 2009
Since my blog is about our life here in England, I like to post about anything that affects us here. Last Sunday morning, we found out that my cousin, Terra Renee Riley was killed instantly in a car accident. Her mom and I grew up together all the way through high school. I can't imagine what her mother is going through, as one of my fears would be to lose a child or my husband. We are not supposed to bury our children before us. Terra was 18 years old and attended college. She loved Elvis Presley and they had just done her whole room in Elvis. Her mom played mostly Elvis at her funeral in Missouri. I am sad that I could not be there, but am glad that my sister and brother made it down there. We have never buried a "young" person in our family and I pray that she is the last. We will miss your wonderful smile and zest for life Terra!