Thursday, August 21, 2008

Home to the USA

Ahhh, my children.  Hard to believe that Belle turned six in June and Ben turned 18 in June!  I can't believe I have an 18 year old!  I don't feel older.  Dan and I will celebrate 21 years of marriage in August and in September, we will have been "together" for 26 years!  I am glad we started young or I would feel old! 

 So, we started the summer with Ben coming to England for 2 weeks before we all headed back to the states.  We arrived to find it hot and sunny.  We got the boat ready, had a cookout and headed for Missouri for a week of tubing and fishing.   Along the way we were able to stop and visit with my grandparents and go to Bass Pro Shops in Springfield Missouri.  Our week there with family and friends went very fast.  We caught lots of fish and tubed every afternoon.  Nobody got hurt and we all enjoyed ourselves.  We even fit in a day at Silver Dollar City.  We went back to Illinois where Dan returned to work and the kids and I visited with family and friends.  

Table Rock Lake and the good life!  I wish every day was this relaxing.

Yes, this is Caleb standing up while tubing!  My middle child can be somewhat extreme with his tubing skills. Luckily, his best buddy, Weston Kinsinger, matches him stunt for stunt.  They can be pretty much inseparable. We took him along for the week in Missouri, and Weston, you are a wonderful kid and I could take you anywhere!  He is very easy going and ready to do anything.  Thank you Weston for helping make our week that much more enjoyable!  

Bella with Grandma Lucy!

Ellen and Vicki outside of their cabins.

Some fun times off the dock.  Yes, that is Caleb again!

Dave, Dawn, Jess and Vicki on the boat

Missouri has gotten a ton of rain this spring and my Mom's yard was saturated.   We didn't find this out until after we had parked the boat in her yard and the wheels sunk.  I then had to drive the SUV in 4 wheel drive to pull the boat out.  You can see the tracks behind Weston.  We then all took our shoes off and tried to push the ruts back down.  My mom wasn't even at home in Missouri when we did this!  I'm So Sorry MOM!  We had to get it out once it was in.  But never again.  We will check first the next time.  (Yes, there will be a next time) :)

Below is the family at my sisters camper on the lake outside of Galesburg.  We went for a cookout and some fishing.  Everyone went for a swim before dinner.  Lots of fun.  The one on the left is my niece who is getting married the end of September.

My mom enjoying the swimming

Belle fishing on Table Rock.

Molly, her dog, Yukon and Belle in the family room at home.  
Ah, to be at home.

Many days of swimming in our pool and having friends over to visit.
Maggie & Joanna Strubhar with Belle

Dan's parents new camper set-up.  Their old one burnt to the ground in the spring.  Thankfully, they had just gotten home when they received a phone call that their camper was burning.  It was electrical they found out.  We went out and had a nice relaxing day of eating and fishing.

Tubing on Clinton Lake!  This is somewhat extreme.  That is Caleb flying through the air on the left.  This was after a thunderstorm and the wind was still quite strong.  He never fell off after an hour of this stuff!


Oh, did I mention, we like to FISH! Caleb with his bass. 

Kinsingers Visit

Do you see a few extra faces in this picture?  Yes, the Kinsingers arrived for their visit!  Their first night in and we thought it fitting to have dinner at the Cuckoo.  One of our favorite laid back pubs in the area.  We were thankful to have them safely here.  We went out to eat almost every night, visited Stamford, Peterborough, Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln Castle, Warwick Castle and Shakespeare's birthplace.  We tried to find Nottingham Castle, but after getting lost, adding 3 hours on to our drive, no dinner.......need I go on.  No.  Not a memory I really need to revisit, but as the men would say, " It was an adventure".   They spent two days in London and then we went on to Paris.  Of course, we did everything we could fit in, and came home exhausted.  Finished the week out up in Stamford at the Pizza Express.  For those of you who haven't eaten there, GO.  It is real italian food prepared the italian way.  Great service and food!

Morgan, Bella, Weston, Ben and Caleb across the street from us at the front of the Village Green.

The Kinsingers at the Chicago Airport

A visit to the Peterborough Cathedral

Laurie loves chocolate!  Couldn't resist this picture!

Lee in Lincoln.  Is that a pose??

Who is that lovely family!

Lee and Laurie in London for the day

Sightseeing in Peterborough Square

Shopping at Stamford market

Burghley house visited!

Versailles Palace - Marie-Antoinettes Hamlet

On top of the bushes in Paris!  Only Lee would allow this for a picture!  
Boys will be boys!

Picture of the Eiffel Tower - Lee's perspective
Absolutely beautiful!


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